For many, the new paint smell caused no little discomfort. But what you feel is not all. The paint smell is not simply affect your sense of smell.

Toxic substances contained in the paint odor

A typical house paint hold up to 10,000 chemicals, of which there are 300 kinds of poisons and 150 related to the type of cancer (Source: Chadderton, Grafman). Some of the most toxic chemicals found in organic compounds paint is volatile, or abbreviated as VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds).

VOCs are carbon-containing compounds, unstable and easily evaporate into the air. Meanwhile, they will react with other substances and produce ozone, pollute the air and a range of health problems including breathing difficulties, headaches, burning, watery eyes and nausea. Some types of VOCs has been linked to cancer, as well as lead to kidney and liver damage (Source: Chadderton).

When dry, these compounds are harmful VOCs are released into the air at a high level. Indoor levels of VOCs are often 10 times higher than outdoor levels, and up to 1,000 times higher immediately after the finish paint (Source: Pennock). Although the highest concentration of VOCs during and immediately after the paint but they also continue to leak out in the next several years. In fact, only 50% of VOCs can be evaporated and disappear in the first year (Source: Green Seal “Proposed”).

When capture this information, consumers are wise began wishing choose the safe alternative paints healthier. The paint has low VOCs content or virtually no VOCs are the reputable paint manufacturers to pay attention to invest in research and production.

How is the health and safety of paint?

After learning about the harmful effects of VOCs in the paint, now you have to choose among hundreds of paint to find safety for their families. How do I know a paint box with low or high levels of VOCs?

Please read the index of manufacturers offer and compare it with the standard concentration of VOCs table by United States Environmental Protection Agency announced:

Oil based paints Water based paints and other coatings
Low levels of VOCs <250 g / L <380 g / L
Does not contain VOCs <5 g / L
Source: Chadderton, MacIntosh

Although concentrations of VOCs standards given as the table above, but the major paint manufacturers and prestige in the world have research and production of paints low levels of VOCs than prescribed, further does not apply only to painted interior and exterior paint.

Nippon Paint has always invested in research and a pioneer in the application of advanced technology in the production of interior paints and exterior quality, safety and health, environmental friendly.

Especially with the Nippon Paint interior paint, the index reached levels of VOCs are 10 times lower than the standard rate.

Odour-less interior paint All-in-1 VOCs <25 g / L
Odour-less reviled Exceptional VOCs <25 g / L
Exterior paints WeatherGard VOCs <50 g / L
SuperGard VOCs <50 g / L

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